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Polymorphism using Interface and Classes

Is there any difference on the polymorphism coded below? Basically is there difference in the binding of the method calls?

Polymorphism Type 1:

class A
    public void method()
        // do stuff

class B extends A
    public void method()
        // do other stuff

Now I do stuff with B using A

A a =  new B();

Polymorphism type 2:

public interface Command
    public void execute();

public class ReadCommand implements Command
    public void execute()
        //do reading stuff

public class WriteCommand implements Command
    public void execute()
        //do writing stuff

public class CommandFactory
    public static Command getCommand(String s)
            return new ReadCommand();
            return new WriteCommand();

        return null;

Now I use the command factory:

Command c = CommandFactory.getCommand("Read");

My question is : Is there any difference in the above two polymorphisms. I know both are examples of run time polymorphism, but is there any difference [with respect to binding of the methods], or any other difference for that matter?


  • I guess there's one difference between

    Command c = CommandFactory.getCommand("Read");


    A a =  new B();

    ... in the first case, you have no option but to use the interface (or just Object) because the expression on right hand side of the assignment operator is of type Command.

    In the second case, you're deliberately choosing to assign the result to a variable of type A, even though you could have written

    B b = new B();

    This is really just a difference in the design choices though - it doesn't affect how a call to c.execute() or a.execute() will actually behave.