I have a CSV file, when I open Excel then Add from File, I choose 'comma' as delimiter because it is like that, so when I see then the result it is not good.
Basically the "description" field contains "breaks / enters" and they are shown in new row although all that text is shown in " ", i don't know how to resolve this, anyone has any idea?
Here is the example of csv
ID,Type,SKU,Naam,Gepubliceerd,Uitgelicht?,"Zichtbaarheid in catalogus","Korte omschrijving",Beschrijving,"Startdatum actieprijs","Einddatum actieprijs","Btw status",Belastingklasse,"Op voorraad?",Voorraad,"Lage voorraad","Nabestellingen toestaan?","Wordt individueel verkocht?","Gewicht (kg)","Lengte (cm)","Breedte (cm)","Hoogte (cm)","Klantbeoordelingen toestaan?",Aankoopnotitie,Actieprijs,"Reguliere prijs",Categorieën,Tags,Verzendklasse,Afbeeldingen,Downloadlimiet,"Dagen vervaltijd download",Hoofd,"Gegroepeerde producten",Upsells,Cross-sells,"Externe URL","Knop tekst",Positie,"Naam eigenschap 1","Waarde eigenschap 1","Zichtbare eigenschap 1","Globale eigenschap 1"
<strong>this is only what i'm expecting</strong>
This is the csv file
Hey hey hey
Eén afmeting: 50 x 40
<em>*de afmetingen zijn in cm en hoogte x lengte.</em>
<h2>Some text!</h2>
more txt text text
<li>Test 1</li>
<li>Test 2.</li>
</ul>",,,taxable,,1,32,5,1,0,,,,,1,,,32,"Diamond Paintings",,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,
Same here when I import the given CSV as you describe on a Dutch machine. It seems Excel has a bug there.
What DOES work is to use a small piece of PowerShell to convert the delimiters in the CSV to the machine's default delimiter.
On a Dutch machine that would be the semi-colon ;
# import the CSV with the comma as delimiter
$csv = Import-Csv -Path '<PATH-TO-THE-ORIGINAL-CSV-FILE>' -Delimiter ','
# export it again with a new name using either `-UseCulture` or `-Delimiter ';'`
$csv | Export-Csv -Path '<PATH-FOR-THE-OUTPUT-CSV-FILE>' -UseCulture -Force -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
Next, you can simply double-click the new file and Excel will recognize the newlines inside the field.
Of course, you will still have to set the Wrap text
option on the cell alignment afterwards. (In Dutch Terugloop
Hope that helps