I have such like a live chart realized with JFreeChart. The x-axis shows the time and there are several TimeSeriesCollections in the chart. If the a value is added to the TimeSeries the charts updates and shows the value only if it is not zoomed. Is there a possibility in the zoomed mode to show automatically new values (means to keep the zoom range and jump to the right).
Thanks Oli
I found a possible solution:
this.chart.addChangeListener((ChartChangeEvent cce) -> {
if (scrollToNewest) {
Number max = DatasetUtilities.findMaximumDomainValue(this.plot.getDataset(0));
ValueAxis va = this.plot.getDomainAxis();
Range r = va.getRange();
double curUpperBound = r.getUpperBound();
double diff = max.doubleValue() - curUpperBound;
Range newR = new Range(r.getLowerBound() + diff, r.getUpperBound() + diff);