My json looks like this:
{"name": "providerWithVal", "value": "example"}
or like this:
{"name": "provider2"}
{"name": "provider3"}
My Elm union type is defined like so:
type Provider
= ProviderWithVal String
| Provider2
| Provider3
I can write a decoder for a union type without data attached. But ProviderWithVal
takes a string and I'm not sure how to make it all work.
This is what I have so far:
import Json.Decode as D
providerDecoder : D.Decoder Provider
providerDecoder =
D.field "name" D.string |> D.andThen providerNameDecoder
providerNameDecoder : String -> D.Decoder Provider
providerNameDecoder string =
case string of
"providerWithVal" -> D.succeed ProviderWithVal
"provider2" -> D.succeed Provider2
"provider3" -> D.succeed Provider3
_ -> <| "Invalid provider: " ++ string
The quick solution to your question is to replace D.succeed ProviderWithVal
with ProviderWithVal (D.field "value" Decode.string)
But I would create a helper to match the target strings, and then use that in the following way:
decoder =
Decode.oneOf [ decodeWithVal, decodeP2, decodeP3 ]
decodeWithVal =
exactMatch (Decode.field "name" Decode.string)
( ProviderWithVal <| Decode.field "value" Decode.string)
decodeP2 =
exactMatch (Decode.field "name" Decode.string) "provider2" (Decode.succeed Provider2)
decodeP3 =
exactMatch (Decode.field "name" Decode.string) "provider3" (Decode.succeed Provider3)
exactMatch : Decoder String -> String -> Decoder a -> Decoder a
exactMatch matchDecoder match dec =
|> Decode.andThen
(\str ->
if str == match then
else <| "[exactMatch] tgt: " ++ match ++ " /= " ++ str