I am having some problem to understand how HeaderRowRange works. Lets see: According to the documentation:
headersRowrange is a Range
so this should work:
Dim ftsTbl As ListObject
Set ftsTbl = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).ListObjects(1)
MsgBox ("ftsTbl.HeaderRowRangeD1:" & ftsTbl.HeaderRowRange("D1").Address)
but it doesnt. (invalid procedure call or argument) Why? nor does the following work:
MsgBox ("ftsTbl.HeaderRowRangeD1:" & ftsTbl.HeaderRowRange("D1").item(1).Address)
What I really need to do is getting the following range in this listObject:
I need the range of the header of the listobject from D1 to D6 columns. I thought that I could use Range( cell1 ,cellX) like this:
Dim ftsTbl As ListObject
Set ftsTbl = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).ListObjects(1)
Dim DocsHeadersRange As Range
'Set DocsHeadersRange = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range(ftsTbl.HeaderRowRange("D1"), ftsTbl.ListColumns("D6").DataBodyRange.iTem(ftsTbl.ListRows))
But it does not work. Why?
I am defining a bunch of ranges in sheet(1) in order to use in
Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Set Overlap = Intersect(***defined range of listobject***, Selection)
If Not Overlap Is Nothing Then
If Overlap.Areas.Count = 1 And Selection.Count = Overlap.Count Then
Thanks Cheers
D1 is already a valid range address so don't name it that if you want to refer to it with any Range object (not sure about your use here as I don't think it is valid anyway. You can use Find. Also, why do you have D1 on the end of ftsTbl
Public Sub TEST()
Dim ftsTbl As ListObject
Set ftsTbl = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).ListObjects(1)
Debug.Print ftsTbl.HeaderRowRange.Find("D1").Address
End Sub
You can also use ListColumns:
Debug.Print ftsTbl.ListColumns("D1").Range.Cells(1, 1).Address
You can then use something like
Debug.Print ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(ftsTbl.ListColumns("D1").Range.Cells(1, 1), ftsTbl.ListColumns("D6").Range.Cells(1, 1)).Address
Debug.Print ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(ftsTbl.Parent.Name).Range(ftsTbl.ListColumns("D1").Range.Cells(1, 1), ftsTbl.ListColumns("D6").Range.Cells(1, 1)).Address