In the Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide there is a tutorial "Create the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse Lambda Project"
It tells me to resolve namespace issues in Eclipse by doing this :
The Rekognition namespaces aren't resolved. To correct this:
• Pause your mouse over the underlined portion of the line import;.
• Choose Fix project set up... .
• Choose the latest version of the Amazon Rekognition archive.
• Choose OK to add the archive to the project
However I am not given an option to choose the latest Amazon Rekognition archive. No option to add archive
Is there another way to load this archive or force the install of this archive?
According to an AWS support representive :
The AWS Rekognition SDK is configured in the pom.xml file which is managed by Maven. You should see something like this in your pom.xml
Maven will pull this package automatically for you.
I didn't change my pom directly. I created a new aws java project in eclipse and downloaded a bunch of examples. When I went back into the problem file it was able to see the rekognition archive as an option.