Search code examples

Return matches from array if contains specific words

I have an array that contains several countries followed by an option and a number.

0 " UK One 150 "

1 " Switzerland Two 70 "

2 " China Two 120 "

3 " Switzerland One 45 "

4 " China One 90 "

5 " UK Two 50 "

This is how I get the array using xpath:

    var iterator = document.evaluate('//xpath/li[*]', document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null);

try {
  var thisNode = iterator.iterateNext();
  var arrayList = [];

  while (thisNode) {
    thisNode = iterator.iterateNext();

  for (var i = 0; i < arrayList.length; i++) {
} catch (e) {
  dump('Error' + e);

What I would like to do with this array is to sort out and return only the matches. E.g. I would like for it to return only UK and China, so the array would look like this.

0 " UK One 150 "

1 " China Two 120 "

2 " China One 90 "

3 " UK Two 50 "


  • You can do it like this with help of sort() filter() and regex

    What i did is first filter all the elements which contains either UK or China.

    Now on this filtered array i need to capture the number using regex and sorted them in descending order.

    let arr =[
    "UK One 150 ",
    "Switzerland Two 70 ",
    "China Two 120 ",
    "Switzerland One 45 ",
    "China One 90 ",
    "UK Two 50 ",
    let op = arr.filter(e=> 
       .sort((a,b)=>{a.match(/\d+/g) - b.match(/\d+/g)}