Search code examples

search multiple terms in taffydb

If I make a TAFFYDB database like this:

   "custName": "MIKE JONES",
   "custCity": "CHICAGO"

I can query by each individual term, like customer name:

var cName="MIKE";
customerDB({ "custName":{like:cName}}).each(function (record,recordnumber) { 

but is there a way to search by any term in a single query? By that I mean if I search by MIKE or CHICAGO or JONMI it would find a match.


  • from the TaffyDB documentation:

    customerDB([ {"custName":{likenocase:request.term}},
                   {"custID":{likenocase:request.term}} ] 
                 ).each(function (record,recordnumber) {    

    this is treaded like a logical "OR"