My code uses the "Flying saucer User Agent" library to generate PDF/PPT files from html templates.
Now the problem is that Itext Uses a cache system to access images and other resources via cache instead of calling an external URL. I want to know how to clear this cache, or how much does it take to refresh. I have no idea I'm desperate and clueless here since I can't even understand this tool with the lack of a good documentation.
1- Can you please explain what is the role of the ReplacedElementFactory
2- And while investigating the library, I found the method:
public ImageResource getImageResource(String uri) {
ImageResource resource = null;
uri = this.resolveURI(uri);
resource = (ImageResource)this._imageCache.get(uri);
if (resource == null) {
InputStream is = this.resolveAndOpenStream(uri);
if (is != null) {
try {
URL url = new URL(uri);
if (url.getPath() != null && url.getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdf")) {
PdfReader reader = this._outputDevice.getReader(url);
PDFAsImage image = new PDFAsImage(url);
Rectangle rect = reader.getPageSizeWithRotation(1);
image.setInitialWidth(rect.getWidth() * this._outputDevice.getDotsPerPoint());
image.setInitialHeight(rect.getHeight() * this._outputDevice.getDotsPerPoint());
resource = new ImageResource(uri, image);
} else {
Image image = Image.getInstance(this.readStream(is));
resource = new ImageResource(uri, new ITextFSImage(image));
this._imageCache.put(uri, resource);
} catch (Exception var16) {
XRLog.exception("Can't read image file; unexpected problem for URI '" + uri + "'", var16);
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException var15) {
that contains this line of code resource = (ImageResource)this._imageCache.get(uri);
I assume that's where it gets the image from cache instead of looking for a newer version of the picture.
3- How often does Itext refresh it's cache, and what's it's size in the first place, and how do I specify a path for it, how it stores it?
Thank you for your help.
Summary: The solution the OP probably used the one at the bottom no. (3): Disabling the cache via commandline parameter/config file.
This code is not from iText but from flyingsaucer itself but since you only copy&pasted one method it is really difficult for people to answer.
As you can see in the top the cache size is 32 private static final int IMAGE_CACHE_CAPACITY = 32;
As you can also see in the code the key is the URI
resource = (ImageResource) _imageCache.get(uriStr);
or _imageCache.put(uriStr, resource);
So if your images on the remote location change but the URI stays the same you'll get old images. So you have several options:
Update: It is still not completely clear to me what you want? Do you want to disable the caching functionality without a code change?
which will clear the cache or [shrinkImage][2]
and older images will be dropped (if there are more than 32)xr.image.cache-capacity
. You can use a config file (local.xhtmlrenderer.conf) or specify it as a parameter java -Dxr.image.cache-capacity=0