I am trying to iteratively concatenate a string to build url params with a 'for' loop, but I believe I am having scoping issues.
The output should be: url_param = "&query_param=hello&query_param=world"
array_of_objects = [{'id':'hello'},{'id':'world'}]
{% set url_param = "" %}
{% set array_of_ids = array_of_objects|map(attribute='id')|list%} // correctly returns [1,2]
{% for id in array_of_ids %}
{% set param = '&query_param='~id %}
{% set url_param = url_param~param %}
{% endfor %}
//url_param is still an empty string
I also tried namespace(), but to no avail:
{% set ns = namespace() %}
{% set ns.output = '' %}
{% set array_of_ids = array_of_objects|map(attribute='id')|list%} // correctly returns [1,2]
{% for id in array_of_ids %}
{% set param = '&industries='~id%}
{% set ns.output = ns.output~param %}
{% endfor %}
//ns.output returns namespace
That is indeed a scope issue. One "hacky" way of dealing with this is using a list that you append to like so:
{% set array_of_objects = [{'id':'hello'},{'id':'world'}] %}
{% set array_of_ids = array_of_objects|map(attribute='id')|list%}
{{ array_of_ids|pprint }} {# output: ['hello', 'world'] #}
{% set ids = [] %} {# Temporary list #}
{% for id in array_of_ids %}
{% set param = '&query_param='~id %}
{% set url_param = url_param~param %}
{{ ids.append(url_param) }}
{% endfor %}
{{ ids|pprint }} {# output: [u'&query_param=hello', u'&query_param=world'] #}
{{ ids|join|pprint }} {# output: "&query_param=hello&query_param=world" #}
The above gets you what you need, but for this specific example I would take a look at using jinja's join filter. It's more declarative and feels a little less hacky.
{% set array_of_objects = [{'id':'hello'},{'id':'world'}] %}
{# set to a variable #}
{% set query_string = "&query_param=" ~ array_of_objects|join("&query_param=", attribute="id") %}
{{ query_string|pprint }}
{# output: u'&query_param=hello&query_param=world' #}
{# or just use it inline #}
{{ "&query_param=" ~ array_of_objects|join("&query_param=", attribute="id") }}