Here is is a quiz I created based on sports that asks a series of questions where the user has 3 tries each time. From there it totals up the score of each player and shows it in the form of a 2-d array, it compares the scores and prints the highest score. How would I use a bubble sort ( not array.sort) to sort the 2-d array (scoreboard) by the second index ( the score).
import java.util.*;
class miniproj
public static void main(String[] args)
Questions[] questions = setQuestions(); // store array of questions using setquestions method
askQuestion(questions); // run method askquestion using questions parameter (array)
public static Questions[] setQuestions()
Questions[] questions = new Questions[4]; //create array of type questions
Questions A = new Questions(); // create new questons type called A
A.question = "What team won the world cup in 1966?";
A.options = " A. Germany\n B. France\n C. England\n D. Wales";
A.answer = "C";
questions[0] = A; // the first question in the aray is A
Questions B = new Questions();
B.question = "Who are the current EPL title holders?";
B.options = " A. Arsenal\n B. Bournemouth\n C. Chelsea\n D. Manchester City";
B.answer = "D";
questions[1] = B;
Questions C = new Questions();
C.question = "Who is the current Golden Boot holder 2017/18 season?";
C.options = " A. Lionel Messi\n B. Harry Kane\n C. Cristiano Ronaldo\n D. Davidson Sanchez";
C.answer = "A";
questions[2] = C;
Questions D = new Questions();
D.question = "Which team has most goals";
D.options = " A. Arsenal\n B. Bournemouth\n C. Chelsea\n D. Manchester City";
D.answer = "A";
questions[3] = D;
return questions; // return array of questions
public static void askQuestion(Questions[] array)
int correct = 0;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
String[][] scoreboard = new String[4][2];
for(int m = 0; m < scoreboard.length; m++) {
correct = 0;
System.out.println("What is your name");
scoreboard[m][0] = sc.nextLine();
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) // this loops for all four questions
for(int k = 4; k > 1; k --)
String answer = sc.nextLine();
if(answer.equalsIgnoreCase(array[i].answer)) // this loops til correct answer is given
correct = correct + 1;
System.out.println("Incorrect, you have " + (k - 2) + " tries left");
scoreboard[m][1] = Integer.toString(correct);
System.out.println(correct + " questions correct");
int mostCorrectIndex = 0;
for (int c = 1; c < scoreboard.length; c++) {
if (Integer.parseInt(scoreboard[c][1]) > Integer.parseInt(scoreboard[mostCorrectIndex][1]))
mostCorrectIndex = c;
System.out.println("The person with the highest score is " + scoreboard[mostCorrectIndex][0]);
for (int b = 0; b < scoreboard.length; b++) {
class Questions
String question;
String options;
String answer;
If I understand you correctly, you have a 2d array structure like this:
and you want to sort the based on the second column: score.
Rather than implementing it in a 2D array, why don't you create an object called Player
where Player has an implementation:
public class Player{
private String name;
private int score;
Player(String name){ = name;
public void setScore(int score){
this.score = score;
public int getScore(){
return score;
Now your scoreboard can now be implemented into an one dimensional array like this:
Player[] scoreboard = new Player[playerSize];
Much simpler to understand and read.
Now to sort this array, you can implement a custom class which allows you to compare two objects of type Player
class comparePlayer implements Comparator<Player>{
public int compare(Player a, Player b) {
if (a.getScore() < b.getScore()){
return -1;
else if (a.getScore() == b.getScore()){
return 0;
return 1;
Now you can sort by score like this ->
Arrays.sort(scoreboard,new comparePlayer());
Or if you really wanted to use bubble sort then you can implement it like this:
int length = scoreboard.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length-1; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < length-i-1; j++){
if (scoreboard[j].getScore() > scoreboard[j+1].getScore()){
Player temp = scoreboard[j];
scoreboard[j] = scoreboard[j+1];
scoreboard[j+1] = temp;