I'd like to pass the contents from multicheckbox (created in userform) to the module for further use. This function in the code is:
In the module:
Public pass1 As Boolean
Public pass2 As Boolean
Public pass3 As Boolean
Public pass4 As Boolean
Public Sub MultiCheckBoxes()
Dim varArraySelected As Variant
Dim ivar As Long
varArraySelected = Array()
ivar = 0
If pass1 = True Then
ReDim Preserve varArraySelected(0 To ivar)
varArraySelected(ivar) = "Fase 1"
ivar = ivar + 1 'Advance the counter to next array item
End If
If pass2 = True Then
ReDim Preserve varArraySelected(0 To ivar) 'Reset the array dimension on each iteration of loop
varArraySelected(ivar) = "Fase 2" 'Add value in Column B to Array
ivar = ivar + 1 'Advance the counter to next array item
End If
If pass3 = True Then
ReDim Preserve varArraySelected(0 To ivar) 'Reset the array dimension on each iteration of loop
varArraySelected(ivar) = "Fase 3" 'Add value in Column B to Array
ivar = ivar + 1 'Advance the counter to next array item
End If
If pass4 = True Then
ReDim Preserve varArraySelected(0 To ivar) 'Reset the array dimension on each iteration of loop
varArraySelected(ivar) = "Fase 4" 'Add value in Column B to Array
End If
Unload UserForm1
End Sub
In the Userform:
Option Explicit
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CheckBox2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CheckBox3_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CheckBox4_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
pass1 = UserForm1.CheckBox1.Value
pass2 = UserForm1.CheckBox2.Value
pass3 = UserForm1.CheckBox3.Value
pass4 = UserForm1.CheckBox4.Value
Unload UserForm1
End Sub
Here 'Fase 1',..., 'Fase 4' are the text contents in the four checkboxes created in UserForm1.
When running the VBA module, I got errors 'Ambiguous name detected: pass1'. How to solve the problem?
Thanks in advance!
Change your sub to this:
Public Sub MultiCheckBoxes(pass1 As Boolean, pass2 As Boolean, pass3 As Boolean,pass4 As Boolean)
Then call it like this:
MultiCheckBoxes(UserForm1.CheckBox1.Value, UserForm1.CheckBox2.Value, UserForm1.CheckBox3.Value, UserForm1.CheckBox4.Value)