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Point Cloud Library: Sliced points to custom colors

I'm using pcl and vtk library with Qt for point cloud visualization. My setup is as the below link

Now when we slice points ie, press 'x' and select a region by AreaPickingEvent and that selected sliced points become red colored. It's done by the following function

void PointCloudVisualizer::highlightPoint(std::vector<int>& slice)
        if (slice.size()<1) return;

        for (std::vector<int>::iterator it = slice.begin(); it != slice.end(); it++)    {
            m_cloudLabel[*it] = SELECTED_POINT;//SELECTED_POINT = 1

   void PointCloudVisualizer::updateCloud()
    m_pViewer->updatePointCloud<PointT>(m_pCloud, m_pColorHandler, m_sCurrentPointCloudId.toStdString());

//area picking event, after the points are sliced we call these 2 functions and the sliced points gets red
void PointCloudVisualizer::AreaPickingEventProcess(const pcl::visualization::AreaPickingEvent& event)
    vector<int> newSelectedSliceVector;

    if (newSelectedSliceVector.empty()) return;

    // remove ground points
    vector<int> groundPointsVector;

    for (auto point : newSelectedSliceVector)
        if (m_cloudLabel[point] != GROUND_POINT)
    newSelectedSliceVector = groundPointsVector;

    m_lastSelectedSliceVector = newSelectedSliceVector;
    highlightPoint(m_lastSelectedSliceVector);//red color selected points

//other variables
    int* m_cloudLabel;
    PointCloudTPtr m_pCloud;

    //initializing m_cloudLabel
    m_cloudLabel = new int[m_pCloud->size()];
    memset(m_cloudLabel, 0, m_pCloud->size()*sizeof(int));


    const int DEFAULT_POINT =  0;
    const int SELECTED_POINT = 1;
    const int GROUND_POINT = 2;

Now if we pass GROUND_POINT it becomes blue color, which is used for Plane detect or threshold.

Now my requirement is to color the sliced points as the user defines it. How can I apply my custom color to the sliced points by pcl::RGB.

Any suggestion is appreciated!!


  • The point cloud handler maintains a color LUT(look-up table) for coloring the sliced points. Updated the color LUT and called highlightPoints, where SELECTED_POINT index updated as the user selects the color.