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Remove from list items that have fields equal to some item fields

Here is my code:

public class Person
    public int age;
    public int grade;
    public string name;

List<Person> _list = new List<Person>();
// .... add lots of items
var personToRemove = new Person {age = 99, grade = 7, };

How to write a command that removes from _list all persons what have the same age and grade values that personToRemove has.


  • You have to use .RemoveAll() with predicate to remove all persons with matching details in personToRemove person object.

    So your query will be.

    int totalRemoved = _list.RemoveAll(x => x.age == personToRemove.age && x.grade == personToRemove.grade);


    _list.Add(new Person { age = 99, grade = 7 });
    _list.Add(new Person { age = 87, grade = 7 });
    _list.Add(new Person { age = 57, grade = 8 });


    enter image description here


    You can also use traditional looping for elegant way to remove match person from list of persons.

    for (int i = _list.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        if (_list[i].age == personToRemove.age && _list[i].grade == personToRemove.grade)