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Process memory reading always returns 0

I've trying to read memory adress(float type).So, it just return 0 in any cases(I've tried int, float etc. memory adress values).In other programs(Cheat Engine) all works.

#include <windows.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <iostream>

DWORD adresss = 0x00179574;
DWORD pid;
float id;

int main()
    HWND game = FindWindowA(0, ("Window name"));
    GetWindowThreadProcessId(game, &pid);
    HANDLE maincs = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pid);
    for (;;)
        ReadProcessMemory(maincs, (void*)adresss, &id, sizeof(int), 0);

        std::cout << id << std::endl;


  • It seems like you are reading the value of an int from the process, but saving it as a float. Try to change it to sizeof(float). Also, make address LPVOID, instead of casting it to a void pointer.

    If it still fails, there is one more thing. The address you seem to be reading seems too small. A common address in the process will be like 0x7ff6d91c0000.

    Also, you don't need <Process.h>, and the last address of ReadProcessMemory should be nullptr instead of 0.