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How do i lay out my buttons so they will go from top left to bottom right (filling first row then second)

So I have a JPanel filled whit JButtons and only Jbuttons:Like this

How do I make it so when only button 1 and button 20 are Visible so the button layout becomes Like this and if I were to have Jbuuton 15 Visible it would come in between JButton 1 and 20.

I'm trying to just make it anchor to the top and left and set the spacing to 0 but it does this:What is happening for me

I can't really give a code as it is made in NetBeans generated code and the program setting buttons to visible are depending on a lot of other stuff so making it independent would take a lot of time.

Edit: Using a method to add the JButtons to a grid via a method in my case

public static void RedoGridLayout(){
    GridLayout UpgradesLayout = new GridLayout(0,5);

    for(int i = 0; i<upgrades.size(); i++){
        Upgrades upgrade = upgrades.get(i);
        JButton Button = upgrade.getJButton();
            System.out.println("Added...\n" + Button + "\nButton to the grid");

this how ever adds the button in a grid at the Bottom and not the top, so if you want to see the buttons you need to scroll down.

EDIT 2:* The buttons got placed at the bottom as the other buttons were still in the panel (ofc they were) so by doing .removeAll(); before placed the buttons at the top left but extended to fit the whole panel. that I fixed by adding all buttons that were !.isvisible() after making the button correct shape.


  • The Answer to my Question was GridLayout. it put my buttons in the Grid that I wanted.

    The solution to the grid being placed at the bottom was because a simple mistake by me adding the grid to the layout when it contained a lot of buttons being set to .setvisible(false); so the program placed it after all buttons. this was fixed by a simple .removeAll(); removing all JComponents that were stored in it.

    Note that I stored all my JComponents in a JButton array as I only had buttons and later did a for loop running thru the array checking if it was visible or not and if it was it got added to the grid.