I'm working with GeoServer and a Java backend. I am able to reset a tile's cache using the Rest API and to prevent any further cahing by removing the tile permanently from GeoServer's GUI (Tile Caching -> Tile Layers -> Check the tile -> Click on "Remove selected cached layers").
I would like to automatize the process and do it from back-end side. I tried truncate operations, dug in the rest api as well as Java objects but haven't been able to figure how.
Is is possible to permanently remove a tile from caching using Java? If yes, how?
Thank you for your help.
If you are trying to avoid caching a layer at all (rather than truncating a layer's cache) then you need to visit its GWC REST endpoint:
which will give you a file like:
You can then change <enabled>true</enabled>
to <enabled>false</enabled>
and PUT it back to the server.