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Countdown Timer in Unity with Photon's PUN 2

In my game I need to create a timer countdown that synchronizes for all players, this Timer need to be on DontDestroyOnLoad (support scene changes) because in my game there are a lot of these scene changes. Do you know how can I do this? PS: I'm using Photon's PUN2, So, almost nothing of PUN1 will work.


  • The easiest way to implement a timer in a multiplayer game using Photon is to apply this script on your UI (that contains a Timer).

    bool startTimer = false;
    double timerIncrementValue;
    double startTime;
    [SerializeField] double timer = 20;
    ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable CustomeValue;
    void Start()
         if (PhotonNetwork.player.IsMasterClient)
             CustomeValue = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable();
             startTime = PhotonNetwork.time;
             startTimer = true;
             CustomeValue.Add("StartTime", startTime);
             startTime = double.Parse(["StartTime"].ToString());
             startTimer = true;
    void Update()
         if (!startTimer) return;
         timerIncrementValue = PhotonNetwork.time - startTime;
         if (timerIncrementValue >= timer)
            //Timer Completed
            //Do What Ever You What to Do Here