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Multiple JComboBoxes with same data, every item choosable once

I'm growing desperate here ...:

I do have a FRAME with 40 JComboBoxes. At first, they offer all the same items. If I choose on item in one specific ComboBox, it should be selected there and not be available in all the other 39 Boxes anymore.

I tried to use a ComboBoxModel for a long while, but now I think it doesnt make any sense: the Moment i remove the selected item from the model, it gets removed from the Box that it got selected in, too.

So does it make sense to do it like this:

  • Have 40 MyComboBoxes in the class GUI
  • Every MyComboBox implements an ItemListener
  • If an item is selected, the item gets removed from the other 39 lists; if its deselected, it gets added to the other 39 lists (but if I want to do it like that, the listener mustnt be an own class but the itemEventChanged-method must be implemented anonymously in the GUI?!)

There's a better way, isnt it? Thanks a lot for your help!


  •        for(int x =0;x<YourComboBoxArray.length();x++
                   ArrayList <String> OptionsList = new ArrayList();
                   for(int i=0;i<YourComboBoxArray[x].getItemCount();i++)
                   DefaultComboBoxModel DCMB = new DefaultComboBoxModel(OptionsList.toArray());
                 catch(Exception ex)
                     //Log your errors or whatever you want to do if it's the last ComboBox in the Array

    This assumes you have an action listener on each index of the Combo Box Array