I used some apoc funtions (thx to InversFalcon). And I found some helpful information on this site
But the relationShipFilter is just used in some function, but never explain detailed :)
There is some example, but not the full syntax. I want to exclude a relation, and I hope there is a syntax for it.
Here is a code, where I want to use it:
IStatementResult result = session.Run(
$" MATCH (g:Graph) \n" +
$" WHERE g.Database = '{Name}' \n" +
$" AND g.Name = '{graph.Name}' \n" +
$" CALL apoc.path.subgraphNodes( g, {{ }}) YIELD node \n" +
$" DETACH DELETE node \n" );
And the apoc.path.subgraphNodes
takes a parameter relationshipFilter.
Relationship syntax and examples are here, but there currently isn't a means to exclude relationships.
Instead you would need to get all relationship types in the graph, filter out those you don't want, and join the remaining types into a string that you can pass to the filter, as mentioned in this answer to a similar question.