I'm doing a project for my class and we're required to make a secure login feature..something I haven't done before.. I'm trying to store the csrfToken in a header so it shows up as my session token in cookies but I'm not sure I'm doing it right.If anyone could help, I'd be very grateful. I know this is probably an easy fix but I've looked everywhere and haven't got it yet.
getToken = () => {
method: 'get',
url: '/csrf',
timeout: 1000,
headers: 'csrf-token'
}).then(csrfToken => {
this.setState({ accessGranted: true })
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
I'm getting a response in the console but it's not storing it in the cookies.
You can use react-cookies:
import cookie from 'react-cookies'
and save your cookie like this:
cookie.save('csrftoken', csrfToken);
Then you can use it whenever you want.