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Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) on contact form using Js, ajax, php

I am getting the error Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) and not really sure why it is happening. I have checked the routes and access of the files and everything seems fine.

My Js file looks like this:

var clContactForm = function() {

        /* local validation */

            /* submit via ajax */
            submitHandler: function(form) {

                var sLoader = $('.submit-loader');


                    type: "POST",
                    url: "../inc/sendEmail.php",
                    data: $(form).serialize(),
                    beforeSend: function() { 


                    success: function(msg) {

                        // Message was sent
                        if (msg == 'OK') {
                        // There was an error
                        else {

                    error: function() {

                        $('.message-warning').html("Algo ocurrió. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo");




My php code looks like this:


// Replace this with your own email address
$siteOwnersEmail = '';

if($_POST) {

    $name = trim(stripslashes($_POST['contactName']));
    $email = trim(stripslashes($_POST['contactEmail']));
    $subject = trim(stripslashes($_POST['contactSubject']));
    $contact_message = trim(stripslashes($_POST['contactMessage']));

    // Check Name
    if (strlen($name) < 2) {
        $error['name'] = "Por favor, coloca tu nombre.";
    // Check Email
    if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9&\'\.\-_\+]+@[a-z0-9\-]+\.([a-z0-9\-]+\.)*+[a-z]{2}/is', $email)) {
        $error['email'] = "Por favor, pon un correo válido.";
    // Check Message
    if (strlen($contact_message) < 15) {
        $error['message'] = "Por favor, coloca tu mensaje";
    // Subject
    if ($subject == '') { $subject = "Contact Form Submission"; }

    // Set Message
    $message .= "Email from: " . $name . "<br />";
    $message .= "Email address: " . $email . "<br />";
    $message .= "Message: <br />";
    $message .= $contact_message;
    $message .= "<br /> ----- <br /> This email was sent from your site's contact form. <br />";

    // Set From: header
    $from =  $name . " <" . $email . ">";

    // Email Headers
    $headers = "From: " . $from . "\r\n";
    $headers .= "Reply-To: ". $email . "\r\n";
    $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
    $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n";

    if (!$error) {

        ini_set("sendmail_from", $siteOwnersEmail); // for windows server
        $mail = mail($siteOwnersEmail, $subject, $message, $headers);

        if ($mail) { echo "OK"; }
        else { echo "Oops! Algo ocurrió, por favor inténtalo de nuevo."; }

    } # end if - no validation error

    else {

        $response = (isset($error['name'])) ? $error['name'] . "<br /> \n" : null;
        $response .= (isset($error['email'])) ? $error['email'] . "<br /> \n" : null;
        $response .= (isset($error['message'])) ? $error['message'] . "<br />" : null;

        echo $response;

    } # end if - there was a validation error



And finally, my HTML code is this one:

<div class="row section-header" data-aos="fade-up">
            <div class="col-full">
                <h1 class="display-2 display-2--light">Cuéntanos un poco más de tí para que empieces a vivir la experiencia Tech Consultant</h1>

        <div class="row contact-content" data-aos="fade-up">

            <div class="contact-primary">

                <h3 class="h6">Envíanos un mensaje</h3>

                <form name="contactForm" id="contactForm" method="post" action="/index.html" novalidate="novalidate">

                    <div class="form-field">
                        <input name="contactName" type="text" id="contactName" placeholder="Nombre" value="" minlength="2" required="" aria-required="true" class="full-width">
                    <div class="form-field">
                        <input name="contactEmail" type="email" id="contactEmail" placeholder="Email" value="" required="" aria-required="true" class="full-width">
                    <div class="form-field">
                        <input name="contactSubject" type="text" id="contactSubject" placeholder="Asunto" value="" class="full-width">
                    <div class="form-field">
                        <textarea name="contactMessage" id="contactMessage" placeholder="¿Qué es lo que más te interesa de Tech Consultant?" rows="10" cols="50" required="" aria-required="true" class="full-width"></textarea>
                    <div class="form-field">
                        <button class="full-width btn--primary">Enviar</button>
                        <div class="submit-loader">
                            <div class="text-loader">Enviando...</div>
                            <div class="s-loader">
                                <div class="bounce1"></div>
                                <div class="bounce2"></div>
                                <div class="bounce3"></div>


                <!-- contact-warning -->
                <div class="message-warning">
                    ¡Algo ocurrió! Por favor, intenta de nuevo.

                <!-- contact-success -->
                <div class="message-success">
                    ¡Hemos recibido tu mensaje! Nuestros asesores se pondrán en contacto contigo<br>

            </div> <!-- end contact-primary -->

As I mentioned before, I am getting the Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) error and I am not really sure why. If you can give me some insight, that would be amazing!

Thank you in advance for all of your help!!


  • I did some changes to your code yes that code was not working i sorted the same on my localhost Please compare the code:

    Updated code: ( Html and js code)

                  $(document).ready(function () {
        /* local validation */
            /* submit via ajax */
            submitHandler: function(form) {
                var sLoader = $('.submit-loader');
                    type: "POST",
                    url: "process.php",
                    data: $(form).serialize(),
                    beforeSend: function() { 
                    success: function(msg) {
                        // Message was sent
                        if (msg == 'OK') {
                        // There was an error
                        else {
                    error: function() {
                        $('.message-warning').html("Algo ocurrió. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo");
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="row section-header" data-aos="fade-up">
                <div class="col-full">
                    <h1 class="display-2 display-2--light">Cuéntanos un poco más de tí para que empieces a vivir la experiencia Tech Consultant</h1>
            <div class="row contact-content" data-aos="fade-up">
                <div class="contact-primary">
                    <h3 class="h6">Envíanos un mensaje</h3>
                    <form name="contactForm" id="contactForm" method="post" novalidate="novalidate">
                        <div class="form-field">
                            <input name="contactName" type="text" id="contactName" placeholder="Nombre" value="" minlength="2" required="" aria-required="true" class="full-width">
                        <div class="form-field">
                            <input name="contactEmail" type="email" id="contactEmail" placeholder="Email" value="" required="" aria-required="true" class="full-width">
                        <div class="form-field">
                            <input name="contactSubject" type="text" id="contactSubject" placeholder="Asunto" value="" class="full-width">
                        <div class="form-field">
                            <textarea name="contactMessage" id="contactMessage" placeholder="¿Qué es lo que más te interesa de Tech Consultant?" rows="10" cols="50" required="" aria-required="true" class="full-width"></textarea>
                        <div class="form-field">
                            <button class="full-width btn--primary">Enviar</button>
                            <div class="submit-loader">
                                <div class="text-loader">Enviando...</div>
                                <div class="s-loader">
                                    <div class="bounce1"></div>
                                    <div class="bounce2"></div>
                                    <div class="bounce3"></div>
                    <!-- contact-warning -->
                    <div class="message-warning">
                        ¡Algo ocurrió! Por favor, intenta de nuevo.
                    <!-- contact-success -->
                    <div class="message-success">
                        ¡Hemos recibido tu mensaje! Nuestros asesores se pondrán en contacto contigo<br>
                </div> <!-- end contact-primary -->

    **Php Updated code**
    // Replace this with your own email address
    $siteOwnersEmail = 'your email id';
    if($_POST) {
        $message = "";
        $name = trim(stripslashes($_POST['contactName']));
        $email = trim(stripslashes($_POST['contactEmail']));
        $subject = trim(stripslashes($_POST['contactSubject']));
        $contact_message = trim(stripslashes($_POST['contactMessage']));
        $error = array();
        // Check Name
        if (strlen($name) < 2) {
            $error['name'] = "Por favor, coloca tu nombre.";
        // Check Email
        if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9&\'\.\-_\+]+@[a-z0-9\-]+\.([a-z0-9\-]+\.)*+[a-z]{2}/is', $email)) {
            $error['email'] = "Por favor, pon un correo válido.";
        // Check Message
        if (strlen($contact_message) < 15) {
            $error['message'] = "Por favor, coloca tu mensaje";
        // Subject
        if ($subject == '') { $subject = "Contact Form Submission"; }
        // Set Message
        $message .= "Email from: " . $name . "<br />";
        $message .= "Email address: " . $email . "<br />";
        $message .= "Message: <br />";
        $message .= $contact_message;
        $message .= "<br /> ----- <br /> This email was sent from your site's contact form. <br />";
        // Set From: header
        $from =  $name . " <" . $email . ">";
        // Email Headers
        $headers = "From: " . $from . "\r\n";
        $headers .= "Reply-To: ". $email . "\r\n";
        $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
        $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n";
        if (!$error) {
            //ini_set("sendmail_from", $siteOwnersEmail); // for windows server
            $mail = mail($siteOwnersEmail, $subject, $message, $headers);
            if ($mail) { echo "OK"; }
            else { echo "Oops! Algo ocurrió, por favor inténtalo de nuevo."; }
        } # end if - no validation error
        else {
            $response = (isset($error['name'])) ? $error['name'] . "<br /> \n" : null;
            $response .= (isset($error['email'])) ? $error['email'] . "<br /> \n" : null;
            $response .= (isset($error['message'])) ? $error['message'] . "<br />" : null;
            echo $response;
        } # end if - there was a validation error

    Let me know if you need zip for running code will send you the same:

    enter image description here