I can describe my moment mood with the following keywords:
this new private protected case for public try throw long false signed union or not friend delete double auto class and return short static break using true virtual volatile while do default export if register catch else float
Are these keywords identifiers? My question is can I use these with re-definition or overloading? No. But why not? "The standard reserved keywords that cannot be used for programmer created identifiers are: ..." - Excuse me?! What does it means? I can't understand why they gave me some keywords and tell me not to use them. What identifiers should I use then?
Thanks for the answering!
Are these keywords identifiers?
No, keywords are not identifiers.
they gave me some keywords and tell me not to use them. What identifiers should I use then?
For identifiers you have to use arbitrary words that are not keywords.
It's easier to explain with an example.
Consider this line:
int foo = 42;
Here, int
is a keyword. This line makes foo
an identifier.
However, this line:
int friend = 42;
would be ill-formed (i.e. wouldn't compile), as it tries to make a keyword (friend
) an identifier.