I am trying to launch a FullTrustProcess
from my Background task. For this I am calling await FullTrustProcessLauncher.LaunchFullTrustProcessForCurrentAppAsync();
, but it tells me FullTrustProcessLauncher does not exist in this context
. I have tried adding Windows Desktop Extensions for the UWP
and Windows.ApplicationModel.FullTrustAppContract
references to my Background task, but then I am not able to compile it for release (Unless I disable .Net native toolchain). The error I then get is: Internal compiler error: An item with the same key has already been added.
How can I fix this? My background task needs to somehow launch the WPF component. Is there a workaround, like launching a UWP foreground app without a window? Or do I have an import/permission wrong? Note that I only seem to need to add one of the references, but with both it does not work.
You just need to add this as reference to the project that implements the background task:
Then you will find the FullTrustProcessLauncher APIs in the Windows.ApplicationModel namespace. Also make sure the component is a "Windows Runtime Component", not a "Class Library". If this doesn't work, please share a repro project that demonstrates the problem. It has worked for me in my projects.