I am completely noob when I work with C. Very weak with pointers.
I have written a struct for a binary search tree. But when I try to access it from code it throws an error:
Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV). Bad permissions for mapped region at address 0x0`.
Here is my struct (in bst.h
typedef struct tree Tree;
typedef struct tree{
Node * root;
Data * (*insert)(Tree * bst, Data value); //i get error in main when I make a call
Data * (*search)(Tree * bst, Data value);
void (*sort)(Tree *, Data *);
int (*compare)(Tree *t, Tree * copy);
Tree * (*clone)(Tree *t);
void (*delete)(Tree *bst);
void (*removeData)(Tree * bst, Data value);
Member functions (in bst.c
Node * newNode(Data data, Node * parent) {
printf("inside new node\n");
Node * node = malloc(sizeof(Node));
if(parent!=NULL) {
if((parent->data.value)> data.value) {
else {
printf("after inside newNode\n");
return node;
Tree * newTree() {
Tree *tree;
tree = (Tree*)malloc(sizeof(Tree));
return tree;
// not getting inside in this function
Data * insert(Tree * tree, Data data) {
if(tree->root==NULL) {
tree->root = newNode(data,NULL);
} else{
return insertNode(tree->root,data);
return NULL;
Here is my main()
that calls this function (in main.c
Tree *bst = newTree();
assert(bst->root == NULL);
for (i = 0; i < num_data; i++){
bst->insert(bst, (Data){d[i]});
printf("inside for loop");
I am not sure whether this is the right way to make function pointers as members of struct.
In newTree()
, you are not assigning your functions to the function-pointers inside of the allocated tree
Data* insert(Tree* tree, Data data);
// other function declarations as needed...
Tree* newTree() {
Tree *tree = (Tree*) malloc(sizeof(Tree));
if (!tree) return NULL;
tree->root = NULL;
tree->insert = &insert; // <-- ADD THIS!
// and do the same for your other function pointers...
tree->search = ...;
tree->sort = ...;
tree->compare = ...;
tree->clone = ...;
tree->delete = ...;
tree->removeData = ...;
return tree;