I have a folder with a lot of files like this:
I need to extract the pattern from each group of filenames. For example, I need the pattern 01-02-03 from the first two files placed in a list. I also need the pattern 05-04-03 placed in the same list. So, my list will look like this:
Here is what I have so far. I can successfully remove the characters but getting one instance of a pattern back into a list is beyond my pay grade:
public void GetPatternsToList()
//Get all filenames with characters removed and place in listbox.
List<string> files = new List<string>(Directory.EnumerateFiles(folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath));
foreach (var file in files)
var removeallbeforefirstdash = file.Substring(file.IndexOf("-") + 1); // removes everthing before the dash in the filename
var finalfile = removeallbeforefirstdash.Substring(0,removeallbeforefirstdash.LastIndexOf("-")); // removes everything after dash in name -- will crash if file without dash is in folder (not sure how to fix this either)
string[] array = finalfile.ToArray(); // I need to do the above with each file in the list and then place it back in an array to display in a listbox
List<string> filesList = array.ToList();
listBox1.DataSource = filesList;
Try this:
public void GetPatternsToList()
List<string> files = new List<string>(Directory.EnumerateFiles(folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath));
List<string> resultFiles = new List<string>();
foreach (var file in files)
var removeallbeforefirstdash = file.Substring(file.IndexOf("-") + 1); // removes everthing before the dash in the filename
var finalfile = removeallbeforefirstdash.Substring(0, removeallbeforefirstdash.LastIndexOf("-")); // removes everything after dash in name -- will crash if file without dash is in folder (not sure how to fix this either)
listBox1.DataSource = resultFiles.Distinct().ToList();