Thinking to start a project using Spring Web Flow with Primefaces. I need to use comet so i figured Primefaces uses Atmosphere. I'm not really experienced with the Atmosphere / Comet business so any pointers about where to start is welcomed.
Thanks in Advance
a very basic example can be found in the primefaces showcase: This is the old example for the ajax push component and is NOT officially included in the show case right now because it will be redone in primefaces 3 if I know right. In addition to that you have to configure the comet servlet within your web.xml:
<servlet-name>Comet Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Comet Servlet</servlet-name>
If you use primefaces 2.2 you cannot use the newest version of atmosphere/comet I think. I got it running with the following dependencies:
The last step is to add a file named "atmosphere.xml" within your META-INF directory with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<atmosphere-handler context-root="/primefaces_comet/*" class- name="org.primefaces.comet.PrimeFacesCometHandler" />