I want to add more images dynamically on scrolling the canvas, i don't wanna see any empty areas on the canvas.
Any ideas on how to get that done ?
I use paperjs, I create about 90 images and they are moving on the canvas randomly.
Each time you scroll, you can check if there is space for more images at the bottom of the screen (and maybe at the top too for a better effect?) and if this is true, add more images.
In order to get that working, you will certainly need to find a way to quickly get the topest/lowest items to check how far they are from view bounds.
To better understand the concept, I reduced the problem to a simple case involving only one column of circles.
Here is the sketch demonstrating the solution.
Code should be self-explainatory and should allow you to transpose it to your specific case.
// Set gris Size.
const gridSize = 100;
// Calculate and store several useful metrics.
const viewHeight = view.bounds.height;
const itemsCount = Math.floor(viewHeight / gridSize);
// For the simplicity of the demo, items are only drawn in one column so x
// coordinate is constant.
const x = view.center.x;
// Create original items to fill the screen.
let items = [];
for (let i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++) {
items.push(createItem(i * gridSize));
// Center them on the screen.
project.activeLayer.position = view.center;
// On scroll...
view.element.onmousewheel = function(event) {
// ...translate layer up or down.
// Using layer translation instead of view scroll cause items coordinates
// to be updated which will help us in later calculations.
const translation = event.deltaY > 0 ? new Point(0, 10) : new Point(0, -10);
// Trigger items addition process.
// Simply create a random colored, horizontally centered circle, at given
// y position.
function createItem(y) {
return new Path.Circle({
center: new Point(x, y),
radius: gridSize / 4,
fillColor: Color.random()
// Check for empty space at the bottom or the top of the page and create as
// many items as needed to fill the empty space.
function addItemsIfNeeded() {
// Get extremas items y positions.
const lastItemY = items[items.length - 1].position.y;
const firstItemY = items[0].position.y;
const deltaBottom = viewHeight - lastItemY;
// If there is empty space at bottom...
if (deltaBottom > gridSize) {
// ...add items at bottom.
const itemsNeededCount = Math.floor(deltaBottom / gridSize);
addItems(itemsNeededCount, lastItemY);
// If there is empty space at top...
} else if (firstItemY > gridSize) {
// ...add items at top.
const itemsNeededCount = Math.floor(firstItemY / gridSize);
addItems(itemsNeededCount, firstItemY, true);
// Create given number of items and add them to the begining or the end of the
// stack.
function addItems(count, referenceItemY, before) {
// For each new item...
for (let i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
// ...calculate y position...
const y = before
? referenceItemY - i * gridSize
: referenceItemY + i * gridSize;
// ...create item...
const item = createItem(y);
// ...add it to the stack.
if (before) {
} else {