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ionic 4 adding side menu

i started a project with tab template which i then later decided to add a side menu. the trouble is the side menu does not appear at all. here is my app.components.html looks like

        <ion-menu side="start">
            <ion-header translucent>
              <ion-toolbar color="secondary">
            <ion-content><ion-list><ion-item>he vik</ion-item></ion-list></ion-content>


actually after doing above my actual page comes for a brief second and shows a white page due to this.

in the console i see an error

sz7tok82.entry.js:5 Menu: must have a "content" element to listen for drag events on.

but i already have content element.


  • Sirius2013 is correct, you will need to use the contentId attribute. See a working example below:


      <ion-menu contentId="content1" side="start">
          menu stuff
      <ion-router-outlet id="content1" main></ion-router-outlet>


    In the page you want to show your side menu, you can use the ion-menu-button tag.
    See this example:

        <ion-title>Page Title</ion-title>
        <ion-buttons slot="start">
          <ion-menu-button autoHide="false"></ion-menu-button>

    Set the autoHide tag to false, so you will always see the menu button.
