I am trying to upload an image to S3 but I keep finding that phone images have rotated images and I learned this is due to EXIF data. I found this library called graphicsmagick which purports to be able to get rid of EXIF data and I also decided I wanted to reduce the images sizes to 500px wide and whatever height results. The issue I can't figure out is how to grab the file after it's been changed. It seems that all of graphicsmagick examples show writing the image to a file on disk, but I want to grab the file data and upload it to AWS S3.
So far I have:
let file_extension = file.name.split('.').pop();//grab the file extension of for saving in the db
let key = `${user_id}/${UUID()}.${file_extension}`; //create a unique key to save in S3 based on users id
let params = {Bucket: S3_name, Key: key, Body: file.data};
//resize image
let new_image = gm(file.data)
.write() <-- this is as far as I got.
let result = new Promise(resolve=>{
s3.upload(params, function(err, result){
if (err) {
throw new Error('Could not upload photo');
}else {
result = await result;
From gm docs:
Image output
write - writes the processed image data to the specified filename
stream - provides a ReadableStream with the processed image data
toBuffer - returns the image as a Buffer instead of a stream
So in your case instead of .write()
you can use:
.toBuffer('png',function (err, buffer) {
if (err) return throw err;
Now you got buffer
which can be used to as Body
to upload to S3 logic