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i want to fetch country based on our local timing

enter image description hereI have a so many countries and their own timing. if our local timing and country timing is same then related to all country should be displayed. can anyone please help i have written piece of code and uploading country timing Excel sheet also. thanks in advanced.enter image description here

public void countryBased() {
    LocalDateTime dateTime = LocalDateTime.parse(;
    TimeZone gmtTime=TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"+00);
    System.out.println("gmtTime new-->" + gmtTime);

    System.out.println("dateTime-->" + dateTime);
     * SchedulerRunTimes schedulerRunTime =
     * SchedulerRunTimesLocalServiceUtil
     * .createSchedulerRunTimes(CounterLocalServiceUtil.increment());
    List<SchedulerRunTimes> schedulerRunTime = SchedulerRunTimesLocalServiceUtil.getSchedulerRunTimeses(-1, -1);
     * schedulerRunTime.setLOCAL_STANDARD_TIME(String.valueOf(dateTime.
     * getHour() * 100));
    for (SchedulerRunTimes schedulerRunTimes : schedulerRunTime) {
        String GMTRunTime = schedulerRunTimes.getGMTRunTime();
        String datetimes = (String.valueOf(dateTime.getHour()+00));
        /*if (gmtTime.equals(GMTRunTime)) {
        } else {
            System.out.println("time Mismatch");

private void trigger(SchedulerRunTimes runTimes) { + " is triggered."); + " is triggered.");




  • i got the solution.

       try {
            LocalDateTime dateTime = LocalDateTime.parse(;
            String GMTTiming = String.valueOf(dateTime.getHour() * 100);
  "GMT Time for Country-->" + GMTTiming);
            List<SchedulerRunTimes> schedulerRunTime = SchedulerRunTimesLocalServiceUtil.getSchedulerRunTimeses(-1, -1);
            for (SchedulerRunTimes schedulerRunTimes : schedulerRunTime) {
                String GMTRunTime = schedulerRunTimes.getGMTRunTime();
      "GMTRunTime-->" + GMTRunTime);
      "Compairing GMT Timing --------------->"
                        + GMTTiming.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(GMTRunTime.trim()));
                if (GMTTiming.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(GMTRunTime.trim())) {
                } else {
          "Time is Different and Country Not Found");
            throw new CountryNotFoundException("Time is Different and Country Not Found");
        } catch (CountryNotFoundException e) {