How to preventdefault anchor that has child element. I use event delegate click since the link is set dynamically.
When user click, I have to check if it has data-applink
in the anchor, in this case I traverse using closest
to find its parent (since click event will detect child element, not the anchor).
After I obtain the parent, then I add click event and preventdefault it. But somehow it does not work.
Please help, any idea?
//simulate ajax
setTimeout(()=> {
const anchor = document.querySelectorAll('.anchor')[0];
anchor.setAttribute("href", "");
anchor.setAttribute("data-applink", "app://");
const checkNesting = (selector, event, callback) => {
let elem =;
if (elem.matches(selector)) {
elem =;
if (elem) {
// console.log(elem);
document.body.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
checkNesting('*[data-applink]', event, (el) => {
el.addEventListener('click', (ev) => {
<a href="#" class="anchor">
<button>Click Here</button>
el.addEventListener('click', (ev) => {
My best guess is that the above event listener starts working at the next click event, not the current one. If anyone can provide explanation, I am very appreciated.
To solve your problem, you can apply preventDefault
to the current event
//simulate ajax
setTimeout(()=> {
const anchor = document.querySelectorAll('.anchor')[0];
anchor.setAttribute("href", "");
anchor.setAttribute("data-applink", "app://");
const checkNesting = (selector, event, callback) => {
let elem =;
if (elem.matches(selector)) {
return true
elem =;
if (elem) {
// console.log(elem);
return true
return false
document.body.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
if (checkNesting('*[data-applink]', event)) {
<a href="#" class="anchor">
<button onClick="alert('I am working fine and bubbling up is cancelled')">Click Here</button>
<a href="">
<button onClick="alert('I allow bubbling up')">Click me too</button>