I have two scenes: Menu and Game where the maze is randomly generated every launch.
After the Player dies in the maze I load the scene Menu where the Player can press button Start which should generate a new maze but instead it just loads the old scene with maze where Player died earlier.
I want to generate the new maze every time after pressing Start button.
Also, when I play the scene with maze separately everything works correctly
For scene loading I use:
with indexes defined in Build settings.
If any additional code is needed just ask me and I will add it.
I have a class MazeGenerator where I have delegate and event:
public delegate void MazeReadyAction();
public static event MazeReadyAction OnMazeReady;
Event triggers when the maze is generated and is used in MazeDirecives class to set the Enemies and Coins when the maze is ready.
So that I MazeDirectives have lines:
void Awake()
MazeGenerator.OnMazeReady += StartDirectives;
void StartDirectives()
for (int i = 0; i < mazeCoinPositions.Count; i++)
MazeCoin mazeCoin = Instantiate(mazeCoinPrefab, mazeCoinPositions[i],
Quaternion.identity) as MazeCoin;
MissingReferenceException: The object of type 'MazeDirectives' has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it
pups up on:
Any suggestions?
public static event MazeReadyAction OnMazeReady;
is static
it keeps being there also if there woud be an instance of that class being destroyed.
So that after
MazeGenerator.OnMazeReady += StartDirectives;
that listener keeps being called though the MazeDirectives
object you registered as listener is getting destroyed because of SceneManager.Load
. So the next time when OnMazeReady
is called you have actually two listeners registered: The one from the first scene which now is destroyed, and the one from the "new" scene.
You should either remove the old listener
private void OnDestroy()
MazeGenerator.OnMazeReady -= StartDirectives;
or not even "stack" them but only asign exactly one listener
private void Awake()
MazeGenerator.OnMazeReady = StartDirectives;
this does ofcourse only apply if there is no other listener in your scene.
Anyway you should reset it just to be sure
private void OnDestroy()
MazeGenerator.OnMazeReady = null;
General Note: It is always save to call
MazeGenerator.OnMazeReady -= StartDirectives;
even if the listener wasn't added before. So doing
private void Awake()
MazeGenerator.OnMazeReady -= StartDirectives;
MazeGenerator.OnMazeReady += StartDirectives;
also makes sure that the listener can allways be added only exactly once.