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Cross Apply Equivalent in Hive?

I want to create the effect of a cross apply in AWS EMR Hive. I've got a little sample code here that runs in SQL Server 2017.

with r as (
select 1 as d
union all
select 2 as d
select * from r
cross apply (select 'f' as u) e;

How can I run the equivalent of this in EMR Hive?

I've checked out the Lateral View documentation, but it all references explode, and I don't have an array.


  • I ended up working around with by just adding an extra field with a single value and joining the two tables together on that to produce the same effect.

    It ended up looking something like:

    with d as (
    select column, 'AreYouKiddingMe' as k from table
    ), e as (
    select column2, 'AreYouKiddingMe' as k from table2
    select * from d inner join e on d.k = e.k