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Docker Hive - / line 4: pg_isready: command not found

I have set up three containers that are networked because I would like to use Hadoop and Hive with PostgreSQL. You can access Docker set up via so you can download the folders/ files to run it. The Hadoop container works, the PostgreSQL container works, but the Hive container, upon startup, presents this error:

Waiting for PostgreSQL to start...
/ line 4: pg_isready: command not found

The PostgreSQL container is running and looks fine, yet I'm still encountering this error:

/ line 4: pg_isready: command not found.

I have installed the PostgreSQL client in the /hive/Dockerfile and modified the, but nothing resolves the error. Could you please help me resolve this issue?


  • Your existing setup actually seems to work for me. But perhaps you might consider moving the readiness check across to Docker Compose by updating your docker-compose.yml as follows:

    version: '3.8'
        image: postgres:13
          - POSTGRES_DB=hive
          - POSTGRES_USER=hiveuser
          - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=hivepassword
          test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -d hive -U hiveuser"]
          interval: 5s
          timeout: 5s
          retries: 5
        build: ./hive
            condition: service_healthy

    I have retained only the important bits for clarity.

    1. Add healthcheck to the postgres service, which uses pg_isready and will only mark the container as healthy when it is ready to accept connections.
    2. Add a condition to the depends_on for the hive service, so that it will only start once postgres has been marked as healthy.

    You can then remove the pg_isready command from the file.