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Can not Autowire bean in Junit

I am trying to unit test a Controller Class with Junit. However, when I try to autowire my PlayerRepository interface, which extends crudRepository, it gives this error:

2018-12-06 21:59:39.530 ERROR 8780 --- [ main] o.s.test.context.TestContextManager : Caught exception while allowing TestExecutionListener [org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.SpringBootDependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener@78e117e3] to prepare test instance [edu.ceng.gameproject.player.PlayerControllerTest@4f704591]

(I did not put the entire error since it is very long.)

and it also says:

Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'edu.ceng.gameproject.player.PlayerRepository' available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency annotations: {@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)}

By the way, I can do the autowire in my controller to make changes on database. It just does not work in testing. Here is my code:

Controller Class:

@Controller    // This means that this class is a Controller
@RequestMapping(path="/Player") // This means URL's start with /Player 
(after Application path)

public class PlayerController {

 private PlayerRepository playerRepository;

Here is the PlayerRepsitory interface:

public interface PlayerRepository extends CrudRepository<Player, String> {


Abstract test class where I do the autowiring :

 @SpringBootTest(classes = Main.class)

 public abstract class GameProjectBackEndApplicationTests {

 protected MockMvc mvc;

 WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext;

 PlayerRepository playerRepository;

 protected void setUp() {
     mvc = 


PlayerControllerTest class where I use the autowired playerRepository:

public class PlayerControllerTest extends GameProjectBackEndApplicationTests 

    public void setUp() {

    public void test_getUsersList_withOk() throws Exception {
        String uri = "/Player/all";

        // Create user in the database
        Player createdUser = Player("testUser", 

        MvcResult mvcResult = mvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(uri)

        // check if status is 200 - OK
        int status = mvcResult.getResponse().getStatus();
        assertEquals(200, status);

        String content = mvcResult.getResponse().getContentAsString();
        Player[] playerList = super.mapFromJson(content, Player[].class);

        // check if list has actually any user
        assertTrue(playerList.length > 0);

        // check returned list has user that we created
        boolean contains = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < playerList.length; i++) {
    createdUser.getPasswd().equals(playerList[i].getPasswd())) {
                contains = true;
        // assert there is a user that we created
        //delete created user

Thanks in advance.


  • As I said in the comments, use @MockBean to inject a mock for every dependency needed in your controller. Your test class will look like this.

     @SpringBootTest(classes = Main.class)
     public class GameProjectBackEndApplicationTests {
         private MockMvc mvc;
         private WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext;
         private PlayerRepository playerRepository;
         public void setUp() {
             mvc = 
             // Mock calls to PlayerRepository
             // Mockito.when(playerRepository.getEntries(1)).thenReturn(myList);
         public void myTest() {

    Also, I don't really recommend using inheritance for your tests. It is better to have everything in one place.