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Excel help: How to fill a cell with data from a table dependent on multiple variables

I have a report sheet I have made on excel that has age, gender and skinfold measurements (in mm) and two tables displaying body fat percentages depending on skinfold measurement, age and gender.

I would like a cell to report the percentage of bodyfat depending on other cells (age, gender, skinfold)

So far I have the following equation:


With B18 = 9.2

The (male) table being looked up has skinfold in mm in the left column, and age ranges across the top (17-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50+). At the moment the formula finds the closest value (10) in the age column 17-19, however I want the formula to find skinfold first then depending on what age range turn out the corresponding percentage.

The cell highlighted has the current formula in.

Print Screen of Report


  • =IF(OR(B18<10,MOD(B18,2)<>0)," < ","") & INDEX(IF(E8="FEMALE",L5:P20,T5:X20),MATCH(INT(B18/2+0.95)*2,K5:K20,0),IF(AND(B8>=17,B8<=19),1,IF(AND(B8>=20,B8<=29),2,IF(AND(B8>=30,B8<=39),3,IF(AND(B8>=40,B8<=49),4,IF(B8>=50,5))))))

    This seems to do it. In an overview.. :

    1. If "FEMALE" look in L5:P20 else T5:X20 .

    2. Match the age. (select row) if 9.2 convert to 10, 10.1 -> 12, 11.0 -> 12 by using INT(B18/2+0.95)*2

    3. Lastly using the range defined, identify in which column @ L5:P20 or T5:X20 data range should the value be taken from.

    4. display " < " if there is no exact match using IF(OR(B18<10,MOD(B18,2)<>0)," < ","")

    I don't have the full dataset to test.. hope you verify and share if it works (or not).

    ( :