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Is it possible to use SharedSecrets across Java modules?


  • Modules A and B, where B imports A.
  • Module A exports external.class1. It defines but does not export external.class1.secretProvider, internal.SharedSecrets and internal.class2 (more on these below).
  • Module A uses the SharedSecrets mechanism to grant external.class1 access to private methods in internal.class2 using external.class1.secretProvider.

I wish to grant external.class3 (defined in Module B) access to private methods in internal.class2 but seeing as internal.SharedSecrets and external.class1.secretProvider are not exported by A I have no way of doing so.

Is there a way for B to access to A's secrets without exporting them for the whole world to see?


  • Is there a way for B to access to A's secrets without exporting them for the whole world to see?

    If I am not getting the question wrong, you can use qualified exports to make sure you export those packages just to a specific (list of) module. You can do so as :

    module A {
        exports external.class1.secretProvider to B;
        exports internal.SharedSecrets to B;
        // ... rest of your declarations