Say I have the number 123456, how can i move the 6 to the beginning so it becomes 612345?
needs to work if the number has fewer digits like 123 becoming 312.
many thanks in advance.
This is a general purpose method that will work with any integer from 2 to 32 digits. The number must be usage display
working-storage section.
1 a-number pic 9(6) value 123456.
1 b-number pic 9(3) value 123.
1 work pic x(32).
1 len-of-number binary pic 9(4).
procedure division.
display a-number
move a-number (1:) to work
perform swap-digit
move work to a-number (1:)
display a-number
display space
display b-number
move b-number (1:) to work
perform swap-digit
move work to b-number (1:)
display b-number
stop run
move 0 to len-of-number
inspect work tallying
len-of-number for characters before space
move function reverse (work (1:len-of-number))
to work
move function reverse (work (2:len-of-number - 1))
to work (2:len-of-number - 1)