I want to post json data to Go api, But i can't parse json in Go
javascript code:
data= {"user":{"username":"admin","password":"123"},"profile":{"firstname":"morteza","lastname":"khadem","files":["/temp/a.jpg","/temp/b.jpg"]}}
$.post('/parse-json', data, function () {
in php get data very simple ($_REQUEST['user']['firstname']) but in Go different
Now i use this code:
type Merchant struct{}
func (*Merchant) Register(context context.Context){
type registerRequestData struct{
Merchant models.MrtMerchant `json:"merchant"`
User models2.UsrUser `json:"user"`
Profile models2.UsrUserProfile `json:"profile"`
Branch models.MrtMerchantBranch `json:"branch"`
var request registerRequestData
if err:=context.ReadJSON(&request);err!=nil{