I am trying to access test set data in QC/ALM via C# and the REST API, but I am struggling to with path navigation.
In Test Lab we have a path of:
Test Campaign 1
Test Campaign 2
RC 1
RC 2
I am trying to access test run details for a campaign (e.g. Test Campaign 1, RC 2) but I can't figure out how I do this.
I looked at this Stack Overflow question but I couldn't figure out the hierarchy path.
I attempted to use: http://IP:PORT/qcbin/rest/domains/THEDOMAIN/projects/THEPROJECT/test-set-folders?query={name['Root']} and get details back, but if I want a want a deeper path .. e.g. 'Root\UnitTests\QA-UK\Product2\Test Campaign 1\RC 1' it fails to be found.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
You can get folder level sets using following way. Filter on name will not work. You need to filter on parent-id. Even though it is id field still HP accepts folder name. Following query works on my HPALM instance and hopefully it will work with yours as well.
http://host:port/qcbin/rest/domains/DEFAULT/projects/TestP/test-sets?query={parent-id[^Root\Path 1\Path 2^]}.