Which is the synthesized not optimized digital circuit for the following code:
a, b and c are 1 bit long. sel has 2 bits.
always@(a, b, sel)
2'b00: a;
2'b01: b;
2'b10: c;
default: 0;
If i am not mistaken we would have a mux with three inputs and two selection bits.
As selection bits we have sel[0] and sel[1]. As inputs we have a, b and a latch. The latch will have as input c and something else. I dont know what else has to enter the latch.
This question is just educational.
Most synthesizers do not consider the sensitivity list unless it is for synchronous logic. The latching behavior you would see in simulation will not happen post-synthesis. The major reason @*
was added in IEEE1364-2001 prevent accidental omissions from sensitivity list.
If you truly want to output a latched version of c
, then you need to create the latch before the mux:
always @*
if (lat_en) c_latch <= c;
always @*
2'b00: a;
2'b01: b;
2'b10: c_latch;
default: 0;
Level-sensitive latches are not common on FPGAs. The are used sparingly on ASICs due to timing concerns. Edge-sensitive flip-flops are generally preferred:
always @(posedge clk)
if (update) c_ff <= c;
always @*
2'b00: a;
2'b01: b;
2'b10: c_ff;
default: 0;