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Which is the synthesized digital circuit for this [verilog] mux with an uncompleted sensibility list?

Which is the synthesized not optimized digital circuit for the following code:

a, b and c are 1 bit long. sel has 2 bits.

always@(a, b, sel)
    2'b00: a;
    2'b01: b;
    2'b10: c;
    default: 0;

If i am not mistaken we would have a mux with three inputs and two selection bits.

As selection bits we have sel[0] and sel[1]. As inputs we have a, b and a latch. The latch will have as input c and something else. I dont know what else has to enter the latch.

This question is just educational.


  • Most synthesizers do not consider the sensitivity list unless it is for synchronous logic. The latching behavior you would see in simulation will not happen post-synthesis. The major reason @* was added in IEEE1364-2001 prevent accidental omissions from sensitivity list.

    If you truly want to output a latched version of c, then you need to create the latch before the mux:

    always @*
      if (lat_en) c_latch <= c;
    always @*
        2'b00: a;
        2'b01: b;
        2'b10: c_latch;
        default: 0;

    Level-sensitive latches are not common on FPGAs. The are used sparingly on ASICs due to timing concerns. Edge-sensitive flip-flops are generally preferred:

    always @(posedge clk)
      if (update) c_ff <= c;
    always @*
        2'b00: a;
        2'b01: b;
        2'b10: c_ff;
        default: 0;