i have ADF page that has update method , and after the update the table is refreshed , all of this business is done in the backing bean and here is the code
OperationBinding operationBinding = ADFUtil.getBindingContainer().getOperationBinding("manageRequestStatus"); // this is the update method
Object result = operationBinding.execute();
after the update is executed the value is changed in the DB so i call this in order to refresh the adf table
DCIteratorBinding searchIterator = ADFUtil.findIterator("myIterator");
this method to refresh the dataTable and the table is refreshed with the new data
the problem is : after executeQuery the first Row of the table is selected
what i want to do is : after refresh , select the same row
and this is my try :
RowSetIterator rsi = searchIterator.getRowSetIterator();
Row currentRow = rsi.getCurrentRow();
Key k =currentRow.getKey();
rsi.setCurrentRow(currentRow) ;
i've solved this problem by following
Int index =searchIterator.getCurrentRowIndexInRange();