I want to compute the minimum eucidean distance between each point in one point cloud and all the other points in the second point cloud.
My point clouds are named pc1 and pc2.
Np is a matrix of normal vectors for each point.
sofar I use the following code:
dist = zeros(size(pc2,1),1);
sign = zeros(size(pc2,1),1);
for i = 1:size(pc2,1)
d = (pc1(:,1)-pc2(i,1)).^2 + (pc1(:,2)-pc2(i,2)).^2 + (pc1(:,3) - pc2(i,3)).^2;
[d, ind] = min(d);
dist(i,1) = sqrt(d);
sign(i,1) = Np(ind,:)*(pc2(i,:)-pc1(ind,:))';
the last bit with "sign" is from this paper. I added it because I want to know if my point lies inside or outside the other point cloud. (I received the point clouds from STL files and they represent surfaces)
Since I am working with rather large point clouds around 200.000 to 3.000.000 points the computation takes a while and I was wondering if anyone could suggest optimizations for my code.
Maybe it could be vectorized and I'm not seeing it.
All your suggestions are welcome. Thank you in advance for your time and help.
edit: just to clearify. Each row in my point cloud matrix is a point. the first column is the x-, the second the y-, the third the z-value.
You can certainly do this in vectorized form, use pdist2
and min
as shown below.
dmat = pdist2(pc1, pc2);
[dist, ind] = min(dmat);
I believe the following will work for sign, but you should verify the results. May have to tweak slightly based on the matrix shapes.
sign = sum(Np(ind,:).*(pc2-pc1(ind,:)), 2);