I have this code which is intended to take values of type double from an arraylist and increase them by a percentage amount.
public class Company {
static ArrayList<Employee> employees;
public Company() {
Company.employees = new ArrayList<Employee>();
public ArrayList<Employee> getEmployees() {
return employees;
public void setEmployees(ArrayList<Employee> employees) {
Company.employees = employees;
public void increaseSalaries(double rate) {
if (rate <= 0.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
} else {
for (int i = 0 ; i < employees.size() ; i++) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Company businesstown = new Company();
HourlyEmployee george;
MonthlyEmployee ambrose;
george = new HourlyEmployee("George", "McClellan", "1537", 1.04);
ambrose = new MonthlyEmployee("Ambrose", "Burnside", "1536", 741.0);
double increase = 20.0;
I want to print out the objects within the arraylist before and after the increase but I'm unsure how. The current print commands are placeholder as I know they're incorrect. I have tried other methods such as
for (Object[] array : list) {
but this hasn't worked. What would work in this instance?
You can use a for each loop to print out all the contents of an Array:
for(Employee e: employees){