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How to intercept all the repository classes which has @Repository annotation using spring AOP

I am trying to intercept all the returning List from my BaseRepostitary files. So that i can find the names inside that lists which has to be decrypted using this decrypt method. Following is my Aspect Class

public class DecryptionAspect {

 @AfterReturning(value = "execution(java.util.List *(..)) "
        + "&& target(org.springframework.stereotype.Repository)) ", returning = "list")
    public void decrypt(List list) throws Exception
        //Do decryption here for the names inside the list


But the problem is this decrypt method is not triggering at the time of my Repository classes gets hit. So something is wrong in my expression. I know i can target the Repository class by the package name. But i have many Repository classes and i have given the @Repository annotation for that classes. So i want this AOP expression to identify which are all the classes have @Repository annotation present and intercept all the List items inside the Repository classes. So how to rewrite my expression. Thanks in advance!


  • Finally i got it!

    @AfterReturning(value="execution(* *..*Repository.*(..))",returning="list")
      public void decrypt(List list) throws Exception
            //Do decryption here for the names inside the list