const Exceljs = require('exceljs');
let wb = new Exceljs.Workbook();
let SheetName = "Sheet1";
var sh;
sh = wb.getWorksheet(SheetName);
var cell = sh.getCell('C6');
cell.value = 242;
This is my code.
The problem is "when I write the new excel file, then It forces my electron application to reload"
I simply wanted to open the existing excel file and edit.
My questions are ..
Is it possible to edit existing excel file without using wb.wlsx.writeFile and writing again?
If I can't, then how can I prevent reload of electron application??
It was because I saved the excel file in my app folder.
After I changed fileName's path outside app folder, there was no reload.
May this be helpful for some developers who are in the same level with me.
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