I know how copy an index in one server with Reindex API but now there are two servers (Elastic A and Elastic B) on two separated hosts like this:
Elastic A
|_ index a1
|_ index a2
Elastic B
|_ index b1
|_ index b2
I need to copy a1 to Elastic B and finally it's like this:
Elastic B
|_ index b1
|_ index b2
|_ index a1
How can I do this? I'm waiting for any suggestion. Thanks, Mohammad.
In order to force one index onto a given host you can use shard allocation filtering
PUT a1/_settings
"index.routing.allocation.require._host": "ElasticB"
However, just note that if you do this and your index a1's shards have replicas, the replicas won't be assigned to any host and your cluster will be yellow.