I have a little endpoint that looks like this
val numbers = it.bodyAsString.parseJsonList<Numbers>()
processedNumbers = numberService.process(numbers)
GlobalScope.launch {
The reason why I use GlobalScope is because the producer does only need the acknowledge after the numbers have been processed so I am trying to do a fire and forget in a parallel track to be able to immediately respond to the producer
What would be the “best practice” way of doing this with structured currency? Should I create my own scope (like fireAndForgetScope instead of GlobalScope)?
As you already guessed, creating your own scope would be a good solution in this case.
You can define it as member of your controller:
private val bgScope = CoroutineScope(newFixedThreadPoolContext(4, "background-tasks"))
Then usage is very similar to what you're doing:
val numbers = it.bodyAsString.parseJsonList<Numbers>()
processedNumbers = numberService.process(numbers)
bgScope.launch {