When I try to run this code, I get an error like this
Compile error
Can't find a project or library.
Public FSO As New FileSystemObject
Sub DiskSpace()
Dim drv As Drive
Dim Space As Double
Set drv = FSO.GetDrive("C:") ' Creating the the Drive object
Space = drv.FreeSpace
Space = Space / 1073741824 'converting bytes to GB
Space = WorksheetFunction.Round(Space, 2) ' Rounding
MsgBox "C: has free space = " & Space & " GB"
End Sub
I assume you have set a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime, otherwise the error would be something like User defined type not defined.
In the VBA Editor, go to Tools/References and look for a Reference with MISSING. Uncheck that and see if it works.